Occupational Therapy *(Please note that the OT services are currently suspended)

Occupational therapy (OT) — a treatment that focuses on improving fine and gross motor skills, sensory integration, self-regulation and physical fitness.

Playing and learning play the major role throughout a child’s development stage. Occupational therapist evaluates a child’s skill for play activities, school performance and activities that involve daily living and compare them with what is developmentally appropriate for that age group.

Occupational therapy can:

  • help child with severe developmental delays to learn some basic daily living tasks
  • improve the ability to focus (attentions span) and social skills of those child who have sensory and attention issues
  • improve a child’s coordination skills such as: feeding themselves, using a computer, or increase the speed and legibility of their handwriting
  • Occupation therapist can also evaluate each child’s needs for specialised equipment, such as: wheelchairs, splints, bathing equipment, dressing devices, or communication aids

Click here to view more details about our therapy services.

I’ve been queuing up for government subsidised special education service for a year. Thanks to Rainbow Project, my child can start occupational and speech training at early stage.

Since joining, my child had shown so many improvements, he’s able to speak many words and make eye contacts now.

Thank you Rainbow Project.

Mrs. Lai

For inquiries or to book a therapy session, please contact us at (852) 2548 7123 or email: rainbow@rainbowproject.org